Makino Horizontal Machines with M-Package for Machining Titanium Components
Makino’s 1-Series horizontal machining centers with M-package have been developed for the machining of titanium components, where torque and axis thrust are essential. Their robust integral-drive spindle design provides unparalleled productivity and reliability in the machining of mid-sized titanium parts, spurring lower costs, reduced cycle times and increased metal-removal rates. It has a quick tool-to-tool time of only 1.7 seconds, with a similarly fast chip-to-chip time of 4.2 seconds. For applications that require drilling and tapping, where a significant amount of spindle stopping, starting and reversal occurs, the high-torque spindle is significantly faster and has less idle time than other technologies.
Workzone: 35.4"(X), 31.5"(Y), 40.2"(Z)
Type: Horizontal Machining 4 Axis
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Workzone: 43.3"(X), 32.3"(Y), 40.2"(Z)
Type: Horizontal Machining 4 Axis
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