T-Series Horizontal Machining Centers Solutions for High Efficiency Milling
T-Series 5-axis horizontal machining centers are Makino’s purpose-built solution for high-performance, high-efficiency milling of large titanium and titanium-alloy aerospace parts such as edge frames, pylons and bulkheads. The T-Series is designed with Makino’s ADVANTiGE™ technology, which features several key elements for efficient titanium machining, including a rigid construction for enhanced performance, high-torque, high-power spindle, Active Damping System, high-pressure, high-flow coolant system, and Collision Safe Guard and autonomic spindle technologies. Together, these technologies can provide manufacturers with four times the productivity and up to nine times the tool life of conventional titanium milling processes
Workzone: 78.7"(X), 78.7"(Y), 63.0"(Z)
Type: Horizontal Machining 5 Axis
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Workzone: 165.3"(X), 78.7"(Y), 39.4"(Z)
Type: Horizontal Machining 5 Axis
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Titanium ADVANTiGE™ Processes
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Makino’s ADVANTiGE™ titanium machining technologies include advanced processes as well as equipment, enabling Makino T4 and T2 5-axis horizontal machining centers to achieve four times faster processing and four times longer tool life than conventional machining technologies.
This presentation provides details and video demonstrations of seven specific processes Makino has developed to maximize ADVANTiGE technologies: (1) Heavy hogging in applications such as full-slot cutting; (2) 5-axis roughing to reduce setups and cycle times; (3) one-shot wall finishing with solid, rigid tooling for machining at higher speeds and greater axial depths of cut; (4) 5-axis facing to maintain controlled curvature and produce smoother surfaces; (5) 6-axis agility to reduce fixturing and tooling costs, as well as increasing accuracy; (6) 5-axis long-reach tooling to reduce the need for angle heads, reduce cycle times and save on tool costs; and (8) processes to improve tool life by as much as nine times (in finishing processes) over conventional machining.
DEMONSTRATION: 5-Axis Roughing Titanium
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In this demonstration, Makino’s T2 5-axis horizontal machining center roughs out a conical shape from a solid square block of Ti-6-4 at 14.27 cubic inches per minute. The resulting conicity is held within 21 microns with profiles ranging from 0.0001 inch to 0.0011 inch, and finishes of 17 micro inches on the back, 18 micro inches around the cone, 13 micro inches on the top and 16 micro inches on the floor.

Makino’s T-Series Machining Centers with ADVANTiGE Technolog…
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Makino’s T-Series Machining Centers with ADVANTiGE Technologies
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Makino’s T-Series Machining Centers with ADVANTiGE Technologies
Makino’s new T-series five-axis horizontal machining centers with ADVANTiGE™ technologies are built specifically for titanium aerospace parts such as edge frames, pylons and bulkheads as well as inconels, nickel based alloys and additional materials that are difficult to machine. These technologies can provide manufacturers with four times the productivity and double the tool life of conventional titanium machining operations.
In this presentation, Makino introduces the first machines of Makino's T-series, the T4 five-axis horizontal machining center, Makino’s flagship product for titanium machining, and the T2 five-axis horizontal machining center, which has the same DNA and technology of the T4 but in a much smaller package. This presentation highlights the many benefits associated with these two pallet-changing T-series machines, including increased productivity and tool life.
This presentation also provides a detailed look into the specifications for the machining centers which have X travels between two meters and 4.2 meters. It also takes a look at the machines’ unique features, including ADVANTiGE technologies; horizontal part orientation; high torque, high performance and compact built-in T-Series spindle; high speed and high torque rotary axes; rigid construction; thermal stabilizer; VP control; APC; large magazine ATCs; and high pressure high volume TSC.
Dave Ward, Horizontal Product Manager, Makino
Sitae Re Volupta Tquidus
Executive Summary
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