Titanium Tool Life
When it comes to profitability in the machining of titanium components, tool life is one of the key factors. In order to remain profitable, manufacturers must select the appropriate equipment with an effective coolant system.
In a typical machining process, heat generated within the cutting zone is dispersed through the part, tool and surrounding environment; however, this is not the case for titanium. Due to the material’s low thermal conductivity, a higher level of heat is concentrated directly onto the cutting edge of the tool, which results in rapid degradation and deformation of the cutting tool. In order to control heat levels, water-based coolant must be injected directly between the cutter edge and material at high pressures and high volumes. This approach provides sufficient lubrication to reduce the coefficient of friction and overall production of heat, providing for extended tool life in titanium machining operations.
Watch this webinar to learn about effective cooling strategies for extended tool life in titanium machining. View Webinar
Outside of proper cooling technologies, the most significant means for extending tool life in titanium machining is the use of a reliable machine platform with the power and rigidity to maintain stable cutting conditions. Standard production machining centers typically lack the rigidity, torque and vibration damping technologies necessary to appropriately manage forces that occur during the machining of titanium. As such, a machine platform that’s purpose-built for titanium is a necessity for improving tool-life results.
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Test Cuts Demonstrate Benefits of Makino’s ADVANTiGE Technology
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Sitae Re Volupta Tquidus
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